Vaz Vieira

Home / Andressa
Vaz Vieira


Grupo Boticario


Head UX, Content & Creation



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Andressa Vieira is graduated in Marketing and now studies Psychoanalysis.

She has worked with the Internet for the last 15 years, 12 of them with research, innovation, user experience, product design and content strategy.

She worked in large companies as Saraiva, B2W, olook, Locaweb, UOL, Try and Meio & Mensagem, and carried out dozens of projects for institutional sites, financial areas, portals, e-commerce companies, among other industries.

Today she is a manager at Grupo Boticário, managing the UX and the Content and Creation areas of e-commerce brands of Eudora, O Boticário, quem disse, berenice ?, and The Beauty Box.

But the most important is that she thinks in people, technology is only a means to reach them! 😉

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